More About Allergy, Intolerance and Emotions

More About Allergy, Intolerance and Emotions

The term “allergy” is defined by medical science as an abnormal reaction to a substance that is usually considered harmless, resulting in an immune system response. However, it is essentially a case of mistaken identity. When the body encounters harmful foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, toxins, and parasites, it naturally will attack and destroy these invading pathogens. However, harmless substances such as pollens, dusts, grasses, animal danders, molds, foods, etc. are mistaken for harmful invaders and rejected by the body by means of the immune system or other metabolic processes.

An over-active, hypersensitive immune system often leads to many allergies…including food sensitivities and environmental sensitivities. Our immune system is our defense system — designed beautifully to defend us from pathogens, viruses and anything that can potentially cause our body harm. Trauma whether it be emotional or physical unfortunately causes us to protect ourselves…not only hardening us when we come into contact with harmless experiences but actually causes us to become intolerant towards beneficial experiences as well! Whether we like it or not, how we process our emotions has a direct consequence on how our body processes our environment and what we are eating. In short, our inability to cope with emotions can have a direct impact on our immune system and thus lead to an allergy.

Although medical science has introduced some valuable methods to detect and suppress most allergic symptoms, its testing methods still miss many reactions exhibited by the body and its theory does not adequately explain why the body becomes allergic in the first place.

A Holistic Allergist uses a new definition of allergy: “A bioenergetic counteraction to a given substance resulting in abnormality or pathology”. If any two charged objects are placed together, the energies should either attract or detract. The energies between the body and a given substance MUST attract or “resonate;” otherwise, a reaction will occur. This is precisely how the utilization process works within the body. Foods, for example, consist of vitamins and minerals. Some vitamins and minerals contain a negative charge while others contain a positive charge. Likewise, various cells of various organs consist of negative charges, while others consist of a positive charge. During the assimilation process, digested food molecules circulate within the bloodstream. As positively charged particles pass negatively charged cells within the body, they immediately attract and are utilized. Conversely, negatively charged particles are attracted to positively charged tissue cells. If the body does not recognize or “resonate” with any given substance, it may trigger an immune response, or it may not. Yet, it is still rejected.

If the rejected substance is eliminated through the intestinal tract, one might experience flatulence, cramping, abdominal bloating or loose bowel movements. If the elimination process evacuates through the urinary system, frequent or urgent urination or nocturia (nightly urination) may occur. Elimination through the skin may result in rashes, hives, eczema, psoriasis or body odour. Finally, any rejected substance eliminated through the respiratory system may cause sinus congestion, runny nose – consequently a sore throat, multiple sneezing, wheezing, or asthmatic symptoms.

Although many unorthodox studies explain intolerance as a reaction to a given substance, (usually harmless) without an immune response, intolerance is merely the body’s rejection of a foreign substance, resulting in pathology. Therefore, can we not also conclude that “allergy” is only another word for “intolerance”?

The desensitizing process for allergy using ISR is no different than the desensitizing process of an intolerance. The results are synonymous. However, if a particular substance triggers an immune response in a client, and once the cells in their body have been re-educated to recognize the substance, occasionally there may be a 6 to 8 week delay before the client experiences relief from all symptoms. This is largely due pre-programmed antibodies of the immune system. It may take the body several months to reprogram the immune system to recognize the substance before complete recovery can be achieved. During this recovery period, the client may decide to visit his/her medical allergist to be tested for that particular substance. The results of the test will usually show as “positive”. This is merely due to the substance bypassing the first line of defense when it is administered directly into the skin or bloodstream.

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